NP22 Applied AI in Defense

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Why AI?

AI is revolutionizing the defense sector by introducing autonomous systems, enhancing decision-making, and improving surveillance accuracy. Its rapid adoption is driven by the escalating complexity of threats and the critical need for technological superiority in safeguarding national security.

For any professional in this sector, this playbook will get you started on this urgent and inevitable journey. Don’t miss out on the AI revolution – download the paper, read and apply.


  1. Autonomous Surveillance Drones: For real-time reconnaissance.
  2. Predictive Maintenance: Reducing equipment downtime.
  3. Cyber Defense: AI-driven threat detection and response.
  4. Logistics and Supply Chain Optimization: Streamlining operations.
  5. Autonomous Combat Vehicles: Enhancing battlefield tactics.
  6. Threat Analysis and Simulation: For strategic planning.
  7. Facial Recognition for Security: Enhancing base security.
  8. Language Translation: For intelligence and multinational operations.
  9. Wearable Tech for Soldier Health: Monitoring and medical prediction.
  10. AI in Missile Guidance Systems: Increasing precision and reducing collateral damage.


(PDF, 24 pages, 10×10) This SoMe flipchart captures the main ideas from the paper, and you can post it to start an online conversation about AI in your industry with your colleagues, customers or partners.

(PDF, 2 pages, A4) This cheat sheet contains the main ideas from the paper, for your easy reference. Print it out on a double sided vertical A4, laminate and keep at hand for daily inspiration on AI.

To get started with AI, first do this:

  1. Assess Current Capabilities: Understand existing systems and where AI can integrate.
  2. Invest in Skills Development: Train personnel in AI technologies and data science.
  3. Pilot Projects: Start with small, scalable AI projects to demonstrate value and refine strategy.
  4. Explore other resources on and check out the book “Explain for me AI”.
  5. Please contact us at for further exploration or inspiration through a talk, workshop or case study. We’d love to help!
Silvija Seres

Silvija Seres

Mathematician & AI Investor
SILVIJA SERES - Mathematician and AI investor
I have worked with AI for more than 30 years in research, development and strategy. I am very interested in helping companies drive successful digital transformation and AI applications. If you find this interesting, please get in touch on

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