NP23 Applied AI in Legal Sector

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Why AI?

AI is revolutionizing the legal sector by automating routine tasks, enhancing legal analysis, and streamlining case management. Its urgent adoption is crucial for firms aiming to stay competitive, offer superior client service, and address the increasing complexity of legal work.

For any professional in this sector, this playbook will get you started on this urgent and inevitable journey. Don’t miss out on the AI revolution – download the paper, read and apply.


  1. Document Analysis: AI tools speed up the review of legal documents, identifying key clauses and potential issues.
  2. Predictive Analytics: AI predicts legal outcomes, helping lawyers strategize more effectively.
  3. Legal Research: Automating the search for relevant case law and legislation.
  4. Contract Management: AI streamlines contract creation, review, and monitoring.
  5. Due Diligence: AI accelerates the due diligence process, identifying risks and opportunities.
  6. Legal Chatbots: Provide basic legal advice and assist in routine queries.
  7. Dispute Prediction: AI predicts dispute outcomes, guiding negotiation strategies.
  8. Compliance Monitoring: Continuous, real-time monitoring of legal and regulatory compliance.
  9. E-Discovery: Enhancing the discovery process in litigation with AI-powered tools.
  10. Personalized Legal Services: AI tailors legal advice to individual client needs.


(PDF, 24 pages, 10×10) This SoMe flipchart captures the main ideas from the paper, and you can post it to start an online conversation about AI in your industry with your colleagues, customers or partners.

(PDF, 2 pages, A4) This cheat sheet contains the main ideas from the paper, for your easy reference. Print it out on a double sided vertical A4, laminate and keep at hand for daily inspiration on AI.

To get started with AI, first do this:

  1. Invest in AI Literacy: Ensure your team understands AI’s capabilities and limitations.
  2. Start Small: Implement AI in a low-risk area to demonstrate value and learn.
  3. Partner with AI Vendors: Collaborate with technology providers for tailored AI solutions that meet your specific needs.
  4. Explore other resources on and check out the book “Explain for me AI”.
  5. Please contact us at for further exploration or inspiration through a talk, workshop or case study. We’d love to help!
Silvija Seres

Silvija Seres

Mathematician & AI Investor
SILVIJA SERES - Mathematician and AI investor
I have worked with AI for more than 30 years in research, development and strategy. I am very interested in helping companies drive successful digital transformation and AI applications. If you find this interesting, please get in touch on

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