NP03 Applied AI in Finance

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Why AI?

AI is reshaping the finance industry by automating routine tasks, enhancing decision-making with predictive analytics, and personalizing customer experiences. Its adoption is crucial for addressing the dual pressures of increasing efficiency and delivering innovative services. AI’s capabilities in analyzing large datasets and identifying patterns offer unprecedented opportunities for fraud detection, risk assessment, and customer segmentation, making its integration both important and urgent.

For any professional in this sector, this playbook will get you started on this urgent and inevitable journey. Don’t miss out on the AI revolution – download the paper, read and apply.


  1. Predictive analytics for credit and risk assessment.
  2. AI-driven fraud detection systems.
  3. Personalized robo-advisory for investments.
  4. Automated compliance and reporting tools.
  5. Enhanced customer service through chatbots and virtual assistants.
  6. Blockchain and AI for secure, transparent transactions.
  7. AI in algorithmic trading for optimized strategies.
  8. Digital identity verification for secure banking.
  9. Machine learning for financial market predictions.
  10. AI-enhanced cybersecurity measures.


(PDF, 24 pages, 10×10) This SoMe flipchart captures the main ideas from the paper, and you can post it to start an online conversation about AI in your industry with your colleagues, customers or partners.

(PDF, 2 pages, A4) This cheat sheet contains the main ideas from the paper, for your easy reference. Print it out on a double sided vertical A4, laminate and keep at hand for daily inspiration on AI.

To get started with AI, first do this:

  1. Engage with emerging AI technologies: Stay informed and experiment with AI applications relevant to your sector.
  2. Prioritize data privacy and security: Build trust by ensuring customer data is protected and used ethically.
  3. Invest in AI literacy: Develop your team’s understanding of AI to better leverage its potential in your operations.
  4. Explore other resources on and check out the book “Explain for me AI”.
  5. Please contact us at for further exploration or inspiration through a talk, workshop or case study. We’d love to help!
Silvija Seres

Silvija Seres

Mathematician & AI Investor
SILVIJA SERES - Mathematician and AI investor
I have worked with AI for more than 30 years in research, development and strategy. I am very interested in helping companies drive successful digital transformation and AI applications. If you find this interesting, please get in touch on

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